During each day, DAASE's leaders demonstrated techniques to help people sustain their quality of life and how to remain independent in a place of their own choosing. It was indeed surprising just how many people easily and quickly grasped the concepts and ideas. Many people just "get it."
Cheryl Urrutia and Michael Thomas spoke about how to design the ultimate home and gave great examples and advice. Many who attended "got the message." You could see the wheels turning in their heads as they contemplated what changes they might need to make.
We met an occupational therapist that shared with us her ideas and we enjoyed learning much about her practice in keeping people safe and secure in their own home. One of our members, Christina Manney went out to the show floor to meet other exhibitors at the Anaheim Convention Center and to let them know about our group, even signing up a new "Pro" member, Carl Manire, a contractor from Irvine, CA who told us outright, "I am glad to see you here. People need to know this stuff." We couldn't agree more, Carl.
But there was this one "elder" individual, an person easily 75 plus who told us that he was insulted that we would even think he might need any of these ideas to "stay in place." With his cane in hand, he quickly wobbled down to the next booth. While we were taken back a bit by his abrupt response, we actually have heard similar remarks before. Even when we explain that creating a home with great looking designs that increase personal safety & security, some just don't "get it."
For one of our first community service projects, the leaders of DAASE left Anaheim dog tired but very pleased with the outcome. We look forward to continue providing information and education to people of ages, agilities and abilities.
Some people will "get it" and will begin to make plans for their future.
Some will "get it" only after circumstances occur that force them to rethink how they will stay in place.